15 Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids

15 Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids

Kimia Sekolah Menengah Pertama Campuran 50ml asam formiat (HCOOH) 0,2 M (Ka = 1x10^-4) dengan 25 ml larutan NaOH 0,2M mempunyai pH..​

Campuran 50ml asam formiat (HCOOH) 0,2 M (Ka = 1x10^-4) dengan 25 ml larutan NaOH 0,2M mempunyai pH..​


AL = mmol asam = 0,2 M x 50 mL = 10 mmol

BK = mmol basa = 0,2 M x 25 mL × 1 = 5 mmol

valensi basa/jumlah OH^- = 1


asam lemahnya lebih banyak dari basa kuat

larutan disebut larutan buffer asam

H^+ = Ka x (AL - BK)/BK

= 10^-4 × (10-5)/5

= 10^-4 × 5/5

= 10^-4

pH = - log H^+

= - log 10^-4

= 4
