15 Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids

15 Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids

Task 3
Complete these activities with the appropriate places
1. The students and the teachers have a ceremony flag in the
2. The students can borrow the fiction books in the
3. The students buy the drinks and snacks in the
4. The students have experiment with the frog in the
5. The administration staff do their jobs in the
6. The students study the lessons in the
7. The students play football in the
8. The scouts hold their camping activities in the
9. The students practice their handicrafts in the
10. The counselor gives some advices to the students in the​

Task 3
Complete these activities with the appropriate places
1. The students and the teachers have a ceremony flag in the
2. The students can borrow the fiction books in the
3. The students buy the drinks and snacks in the
4. The students have experiment with the frog in the
5. The administration staff do their jobs in the
6. The students study the lessons in the
7. The students play football in the
8. The scouts hold their camping activities in the
9. The students practice their handicrafts in the
10. The counselor gives some advices to the students in the​


1. in the field of the school.

2. in the library.

3. in the cafeteria

4. in the laboratory

5. in the office

6. in the classroom.

7. in the field

8. in the school area

9. in the classroom

10. in the counseling room.